Research at Appalachian State's Dark Sky Observatory


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Astronomy degree programs at Appalachian State

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Page updated April 18, 2003

Several research programs are under way at the Dark Sky Observatory. For information on the individual programs, click on the links below.

Dr. Caton with Brian Walls and Chris True

Former students Brian Walls (left) and Chris True (right) shown working with Dr. Caton on one of his research programs, this in the search for extrasolar planets.

Dr. Gray with Mike McFadden
Former student and now DSO research assistant Mike McFadden (right) is working for Dr. Gray on his N-Stars spectroscopy program.
Dr. Pollock with Dr. Mamola
Dr. Pollock (left), when not studying quasi-stellar objects in the sky develops novel methods for instruction, as with Dr. Mamola in this demonstration of diffraction by a compact disc.